"The impulse behind this project is a desire to engage with the psychological benefits of an environment that can respond to – and therefore empathize with – human emotions through its capacity to adapt physically to the user. As such, the environment can be seen to overcome shock or conditions of alienation by accommodating the user. Such an architecture could be described as an 'alloplastic architecture.'" http://behnazfarahi.com/alloplastic-architecture/
"The rules of behaviour are simple – if the tetrahedron detects sudden change of light intensity (caused for example by casting shadow or pointing a flashlight ) it blinks for a short period of time with fixed delay, additionally making a sound. When there are other tetrahedrons nearby they might catch this light and pass it further, giving an effect of a “light wave”. The high-level patterns are built upon this simple rule and are shaped by the participants playing with the installation consisted of 400 blinking tetrahedrons. In the result the Constellaction “shape” evolved and branched during the evening, depending on the collaborative effort of the whole audience, effectively showing what emergence is all about."
Gray Walter's Tortoise
"Dr. Grey Walter was a neurologist, robotics pioneer, and a bit of a mad scientist. Living in Bristol, England in 1949, without the aid of modern day computer processors, he built reactive, autonomous robots that could wander about and avoid obstacles. Each robot had two simulated neurons, sufficient for them to display complex behavior. Significantly, Walter's tortoises represent the first real world demonstration of artificial life."
Petting Zoo
"Petting Zoo is the latest work developed by experimental architecture and design studio Minimaforms. The project is speculative life-like robotic environment that raises questions of how future environments could actively enable new forms of communication with the everyday. Artificial intelligent creatures have been designed with the capacity to learn and explore behaviors through interaction with participants. Within this immersive installation interaction with the pets foster human curiosity, play, forging intimate exchanges that are emotive and evolving over time. Beyond technology the project explores new forms of enabled communication between people and their environment." http://minimaforms.com/#item=petting-zoo-3
LOOP >>60Hz: Transmissions from The Drone Orchestra
"LOOP>>60Hz offers an unprecedented experience as John Cale and his band perform music from across his catalogue, expressly adapted to durational forms, unusual tunings and unorthodox audio delivery. Liam Young’s collection of drones escape their associations with surveillance and the military, becoming instead choreographed, disembodied instruments which take flight in the auditorium to create a profoundly immersive live music performance." https://www.barbican.org.uk/music/event-detail.asp?ID=16737
Organic Electric
"Organic Electric is a body of artwork that uses the Light Emitting Diode (LED) as a sculptural medium. The initial exploration and concept, now greatly expanded, arose from the general rule of only using through-hole LEDs and solder as mediums. Using a specialized jig, hundreds and then thousands of white LEDs are soldered together to form an illuminated wire mesh. By carefully arranging the electrical layout, the mesh conducts electricity to allow for the LEDs to be powered on. It is then manipulated and contorted into 3-dimensional forms." http://www.jasonkrugman.com/organicElectric/
Here and Now
"The transmission of body-time into computer-time and its retransfer into the physical space as visual and acoustic components of the digital environment, as well as the superimposition of different variable structures and timings, all this unveils the tension between reality and representation, between live performance and its digital depiction and transformation." http://www.exile.at/concept
Scattered Light
“Scattered Light, features nearly 2,000 LEDs encased in standard light bulbs, suspended within a support structure spanning 80 feet in length and standing 20 feet high and 16 feet wide creating a vibrant light grid across the center of Madison Square Park’s Oval Lawn. The LED bulbs, programmed to flicker scattered light, create the illusion of figurative images that explore and reflect the human experience amidst the urban landscape, creating the appearance of giant human shadows crossing a floating 3-D matrix of light. As one travels around the piece, the vantage point alters and the light figures begin to abstract, blurring the boundaries between image and object.” http://www.jimcampbell.tv
JNZBRK: Behavior of Light →
"Behaviours of Light is a temporary installation that examines light, surface, and spatial experience through the convergence of digital projections and analogue constructs." via http://jnznbrk.com/
"Most man-made objects have a static form, while everything natural in this world, including people, are subject to constant metamorphosis and adaptation to their surroundings. Shylight is the result of a question: how can an inanimate object mimic those changes that express character and emotions?" studio drift, via prosthetic knowledge
ljós | fuse* works
"Ljós is the translation of the latent elements of dreams into visible contents.The body is the medium through which the connections between light, sound and movement are explored, leading the spectator into an unreal space, rarefied and disorientating. Live Media Performance based on the real-time interaction between the movements of the body, sound and the projection of generative graphics." via fuseworks
bot & dolly →
"Remember Reach is a robotically driven, interactive tribute to the fallen members of Noble Team, characters from the HALO videogame franchise. Based on the notion of remembrance, this long exposure light sculpture ran continuously for 20 days placing 118,422 points of light whenever a new user visited the official Halo Reach website." http://www.botndolly.com
modular phytoremediation →
Research and design of the Active Modular Phytoremediation system. System geometry is based on the I-WP Triply Periodic Minimal surface, one of the 13 of its kind technically described by Alan Schoen in his 1970 paper. The geometry has many properties that makes it ideal for creating a modular wall system that is also a plenum as well as housing a large number of integrated hydroponic and electronic equipments. via evolo.us
ant ballet
"Ant Ballet is a six-year research project into control systems, paranoia and dancing insects. The project is separated into four phases." via http://olliepalmer.com/ant-ballet
"United Visual Artists' 'Momentum' project comprises a series of 12 objects that slowly oscillate in the dark void of the Barbican Gallery's 90m long Curve space in London. The installation takes its cue from the idea of Foucault's pendulum - an instrument designed to visualise invisible forces, such as the Earth's rotation." Wallpaper.com
morphs →
"Bondin's proposal involves a colony of self autonomous creature-like structures, called Morphs, which very slowly navigate public parks. Their moves are not just dictated by a set of pre-programmed rules, they also rely on their physical and social environment.
Morphs exist and wander freely as individual nuclei but they can also join together and adopt certain geometries according to their needs and circumstances." by Regine at WMMNA
"A sun-tracking instrument indexing time and temperature, “Bloom”, designed Los Angeles based DOSU studio architecture, stitches together material experimentation, structural innovation, and computational form/pattern-making into an environmentally responsive installation." via http://www.evolo.us/architecture/bloom-by-dosu-is-environmentally-responsive-installation/
"occupying the main floor of the gallery is a monolithic sunken pyramid that containsa 'vivarium,' an indoor enclosure consisting of a collection of organisms that, in this case, are real, robotic and/or simulated. as a collective, these organisms generate energy capable of transforming a freshwater ecosystem into a brackish one, a process made possible by the permeability controls that the skin of the pyramid produces and the behavior that the 'machine' generates. virtual (digital) organisms mimic the behavior of both the living and
robotic microorganisms to intensify and ease the process." via http://www.designboom.com/art/juan-azulay-matter-management-vivarium/
augmented structures
"The project brings together disparate disciplines like sound, architecture and the visual arts which influence one another to such a degree that it is impossible to separate them. While the project reexamines the world in visual and aesthetic terms, in its capacity as an “interdisciplinary transformation” project it also questions the point where art and architecture stand today and the point they might reach in future." via http://salon2.info/portfolio/augmented-structures
"International’s set design – a pinboard of tiny white lights that signals extremes of weather, from blizzard to clear night sky – is an ever-changing marvel.” The Independent, via http://random-international.com/work/far/